Dracula Handgun Stars 2 is a project I am working on independently. My initial focus on making a character controller and animations in Unreal Engine 4. I will be posting video updates of my ongoing process here.
I have been busy working on other projects, but I hope to return to this project sometime...
DHS 2 WIP - 4/2
new features:
-dual stick aiming sytem (janky but functional)
-dance system (I've only made 2 animations for now)
-new idle animation
-test lighting (spinning lights in slomo and simple muzzle flash)
up next:
replace all retargeted animations with new ones
improve aiming, add crosshairs
new environment
DHS 2 WIP 3/11
first additions:
-modified UE4 third person controller:
-implemented my Dracula character model/rig
-on jump: time slows, music changes, player can shoot
-in air blendspace: character adjusts position in air instead of rotating for 360° aiming
-implemented basic gun system: players shoot each gun individually, bullets fly towards camera center
-created dance animation, set as idle for now
-accidentally got a near perfect sync between both music tracks in the video